“Wear a jacket out, you’ll catch a cold!!!”

This saying has been yelled by parents everywhere, but does it have any fact behind it? The short answer: NO. You most definitely need to be exposed to a virus to develop the common cold. Usually we are infected with rhinoviruses, a member of the family Picronaviridae. Although it is related, at least through genomic organization, to polio, it is far more benign and can be cleared from the body in less than a week. This article also claims that humidity may be more of a factor than cold in the transmission of respiratory viruses. In places of high humidity, the virus may get caught in the abundant water particles and reach new hosts more slowly. Low humidity, on the other hand, may benefit viruses by allowing them to hang out in the air for extended amounts of time. Furthermore, the theme of seasonality arises when the author posits that we tend to get colds more around the winter time because we spend more time indoors in closer quarters with others. This may hold some fact to it, but as always, this idea may be as true as the statement above!



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