Mumps in Alaska: The final frontier of disease

    Image result for Mumps prevalence over time

    Mumps, an infection caused by a paramyxovirus, causes muscle ache, fever, swollen salivary glands and painful fluid buildup in the face and neck. Mumps was once a common disease in the United States until an effective vaccine was created to treat it in 1967.   After the vaccine was licensed the prevalence of this painful disease dropped dramatically as seen in the image to the right.       However due to low rates of vaccination among certain populations in the United States, mumps has been recently making an unnecessary resurgence. 
    Most recently there is an ongoing epidemic of Mumps in Alaska. In the last 5 yeas Alaska has seen a 98% increase in mumps cases. There are 248 cases of the disease in this most recent outbreak, centered in Anchorage. The outbreak has recently spread to the city of Juno, where there are now 3 cases of the disease. This this the 1st time mumps has been in Juno, Alaska since 1997.
   In order to quell the outbreak Alaska's health department is recommending that everyone get a thrid booster of the MMR vaccine to confer a high amount of antibodies to the disease in case they are exposed. 

- Chris LeBoa

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