Lassa Fever in Nigeria

This year is an unsually high number of Lassa fever cases for Nigeria, according to the Nigerian WHO Representative Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu. Currently the Nigerian Center for Disease Control (NCDC) has been working with WHO to provide medical supplies to areas iwhtin Nigeria that are experiencing the high number of Lassa fever cases. A danger that has been mentioned is that due to infection and control procedures not being strictly adhered to in health care settings, health care workers in Nigeria are at higher risk of contracting the disease. Eleven health care workers have been infected with the virus and four subsequently died. According to WHO, within the last month hundreds of individuals in Nigeria were infected with the virus, by last count 40 people have died from the disease. Public health officials have broadcast health warnings to the people of Nigeria and currently are working on ensuring that the public knows how to prevent the spread of the disease. The Lassa fever virus is a zoonotic virus that in Nigeria has been spread by rats. Officials have warned residents to avoid bush burning as the act displaces the rats and allows them to scurry into homes where they leave excrement which can infect the food, water, and utensils within the home. Residents are warned to keep water in rat-proof containers, make sure that all food they buy is properly washed and cooked, and to practice good hygiene in order to avoid further spread of the disease.


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