Hanta Virus Epidemic in Buenos Aires

   Public health officials in Argentina are reporting 10 more cases of Hantavirus this year than they saw in all of 2017.  Their alarm came after another woman was reported dead from the virus in a subdivision of Buenos Aires, the capital city.
    The Argentinean health department is warning people about rodents and the risks associated with sweeping up rodent feces, in a public health campaign.  They recommend cleaning all surfaces with bleach and using a handkerchief when cleaning. Their worry comes from the fact that most cases of hantavirus are spread from inhalation of the virus from rodent feces.
   The main vector in Argentina are long tailed rats.  The public health department is trying to also reduce human contact with these rats by telling people to close their doors and fill in any holes in their homes. 
      Hanta virus is not just a problem in Argentina, but also occurs in other arid areas in the Americas.  In the United States there are usually between 40 and 50 cases a year, most of which are clustered around the four corners region.   of Utah, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado. 
      Recent research has focussed on how environmental change has affected hantavirus transmission. There is thought that the increase of rain during an el niño year can increase the amount of plant production and therefore the rodent population in the area.  When there are more rodents there is more chance of having human rodent contact and more Hantaan virus can be spread around.   

- Chris Leboa



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