Poultry Production Shut Down in Cambodia Due to H5N1

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         Avian influenza H5N1 which is also known as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza is a type of influenza A virus that has spread through much of Asia and Europe. While there are many strains of avian influenza, scientists and health departments are especially worried about H5N1 because of its high rates of mortality among humans (between 30-60% of cases are fatal).  While the disease does not spread well between people it can zoonosis from chickens or other poultry into people at markets. 
     Cambodia, a small country in Southern Asia has struggled with controlling H5N1 since 2005. In that year there were 4 human cases in which all four people died.  Since then there have been 57 cases of humans getting H5N1 in Cambodia and 37 of those people have died.
     The government had tried to control the disease by stepping up surveillance of poultry facilities, culling infected flocks and decreasing transport of possibly infected birds between farms.  It was during one of these now common surveillance initiatives that one bird from the Prey Phdao village dested positive for the disease. The health department immediately ordered for disinfectant to be sprayed around the village and for all transport of birds to and from the area to cease until the outbreak was quelled.  Just last month the health department had culled 135 birds from near the same area because they were in a flock that had H5N1.  

- Chris Leboa 

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