Extension of HPV Vaccination to Boys in the UK

Starting in April, men under the age of 45 will be recommended to the HPV vaccination if they have sex with men. This deliberate extension of the virus comes after a surprisingly long delay compared to the United States, where males have been given the vaccine since around 2015. The program detailed in this article specifically focuses on introducing routine vaccination consultation to men attending sexual health or HIV clinics in England. This roll-out comes in light of the general success of similar efforts in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland that have already been shown to have improved vaccination coverage to protect men and women from developing symptomatic HPV infections and HPV-related cancers. In all instantiations of these initiative, vaccination has been well-received among men and even parents who chose to vaccinate their boys. Much like other gender-based vaccines, HPV should not be limited to a gender because it is so commonly transmitted through sexual contact. It’s great to see the specific targeting of certain at-risk populations, especially since vaccination of boys was met with so much resistance in the UK. Hopefully, the institution of such inclusive vaccination programs, no matter how late, will translate to observable reductions in the incidence of HPV-related cancers in the UK and the improvement of general knowledge about HPV and its vaccine.



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