Measles Deaths Fall to a Record Low Worldwide

The World Health Organization just released the figures on measles mortality, and it's good news. 2016 was the first year that mortality due to measles fell under 100,000. The official figures count 89,780 measles-related deaths in 2016.

We can attribute this fall in measles deaths to the efforts of many NGOs like Gavi: the vaccine alliance and its many donors. Through the last decade, efforts have been made to establish the measles vaccine in many countries that previously did not routinely administer the vaccine. Now, many of the countries are supplying the vaccine to their citizens on their own dime rather than on the money of donors.

The recent news is a step in the right direction for the measles-eradication cause. However, low immunization rates among both developed and developing nations are threatening this vision. Wealthy pockets of the U.S. and many western European nations have experienced resurgences of measles outbreaks in recent years due to low immunization rates. The recent news is good news, but the real question is whether or not we will be able to keep up the progress.

Measles Deaths Fall to a Record Low Worldwide


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