Curiosity killed the Canary Island vacation

As the winter months roll in, many residents of the UK escape the cold by going to a popular vacation spot- the Canary Islands! With the beautiful beaches, warm, humid climate, who needs a snowy Christmas? Well, recently regional officials reported that the infamous Aedes aegypti mosquito was found traversing the Canary Islands. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a vector for deadly diseases such as dengue fever, zika virus, and yellow fever to name a few! With such high rates of tourism in the area, could there be a risk of an outbreak from tourists traveling to the islands and then traveling back to their hometowns?

It was reported that regional health authorities were already in the process of setting traps and surveying the area to determine if there are breeding grounds near places of high tourism. Government officials are working with health authorities of the area to alert tourists to keep an eye out for the mosquito and report it when seen, but they also want to downplay the possibility of an outbreak to tourists so that there isn’t a decrease in tourism.

-Meley Gebresellassie


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