Nearly 21 Million Now Receiving AIDS Drugs, U.N. Agency Says

Antiretroviral drugs are the standard of care in developed countries like the U.S. and in Western Europe. With these drugs it is now possible to live close to a normal lifespan.

The UN has aimed to try to reach the "90-90-90" goal. This means that 90% percent of infected people have been tested. 90% of those tested have been prescribed drugs. And 90% of those have the virus at undetectable levels. Today, 44% all infected individuals have their virus titers under control. This is remarkable progress in just over a decade. However, it is still short of the goal.

Today, HIV/AIDS is still the leading killer of women in their childbearing years. Today, there are 16 million children and teens who are orphans due to having lost their children to AIDS. The UN and other global organizations continue to distribute antiretroviral drugs in hopes of bringing down the number of people dying from this disease.

Nearly 21 Million Now Receiving AIDS Drugs, U.N. Agency Says


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