Illegal Science: Americans Infected with Herpes Virus

In 2013,  Dr. William Halford of Southern Illinois University reportedly injected eight people in a Holiday Inn with a live strain of Herpes Virus in hopes of creating a successful vaccine. The subjects are now coming forward claiming that they are beginning to develop unexpected side effects however the university claims to know nothing of the research, despite being listed as a contributor to the patent of the vaccine. The subjects were reportedly contacted through email but do not appear to have signed any form of consent nor does the study appear to have been approved by the FDA for safety. Furthermore, Dr. Halford was a microbiologist and not qualified to be administering, let alone developing, vaccinations.

Dr. Halford left the United States to live in the Caribbean in 2016 to continue to develop his vaccine and conduct more research on participants in the area. However, he recently died of cancer. Before his death, numerous companies invested millions of dollars in Dr. Halford's research. This includes Pay-Pal's co-founder, Peter Thiel. He has not responded to requests for statements on the research. Sothern Illinois University is currently investigating the research and states that they are finding "serious noncompliance with regulatory requirements and institutional policies and procedures" to the FDA. This investigation is ongoing and it is unclear what will happen as it moves forward. The original subjects are also under close observation to monitor the progression of their symptoms. 



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