Happy Norosgiving!!!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that everyone who went to a big gathering where food was shared by many splendid folk enjoyed and stuffed themselves adequately, I know I did. I just want to let you know, in case anyone was feeling a little stomachache, that you probably got food poisoning caused by bacteria, or that you may have contracted a norovirus capable of causing swelling of your intestines and stomach, or a condition called gastroenteritis. 

According to the CDC, Thanksgiving is the wonderful time of the year where noroviruses feast on humans by spreading quickly in environments where many individuals touch and eat the same food items. So if you have diarrhea, or if you are wondering why you are vomiting or nauseous as of late, remember that it is probably food poisoning caused by bacteria, but that you also probably contracted a norovirus capable of causing gastroenteritis from your adorable little cousin. Who knows, you may even get lucky enough to visit the ER! The CDC states that  norovirus infection leads to around 56,000 to 72,000 cases of hospitalizations annually in the US, with the total cases of infection being around 19 to 21 million. 

To prevent the spread of noroviruses during this holiday season and in the future, the CDC instructs us to wash our hands, to handle food properly, and to disinfect surfaces. I know this news is a tad too late as Thanksgiving feasts have probably occurred by this point, but this preventative information for norovirus infections and more importantly viruses in general are crucial and relevant for all holiday seasons or social gatherings that may or may not occur in the future. 

So I hope that you all enjoy your Thanksgiving leftovers, and if you so happen to develop a stomachache, remember that it is probably food poisoning caused by a bacterial infection, or that it could be a norovirus infection that could give you gastroenteritis. Cheers!

-Daniel Gutierrez


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